Friday, November 30, 2012
Are You A Kunstvermittler?
Top of the art world pyramid? Mark Staff Brandl notes the new German honorific "Kunstvermittler" for curators, historians, critics...meaning "art-intermediary" or "art broker" or "art middleman" or even "art procurer."
Via Swiss Art Sharkforum:
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Armstrong's Breathing Sculpture
Sara Garden Armstrong's "Decem Aspirare" commissioned sculpture breathes.
Lawrence Weiner Interviewed
"In my eyes, making art is very often about something that you don’t know" --- Lawrence Weiner.
via frontrow Dallas"
Stealth Self-Publishing Bonanza?
Stealth self-publishing bonanza? Simon & Schuster in deal with Author Solutions. But what do you get if you don't get the brand name? Re-writes and lecture gigs?
Via NYT>
Pix of founders, Mr. Simon and Mr. Schuster
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Metzger's Robot Art
Thinking of nothing, Destruction Art pioneer Gustav Metzger (b. 1926) lets a robot make his sculpture called "Null Art."
Interview in The Guardian:
John Perreault on Gustav Metzger:
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Be Careful What You Pledge!
Be careful what you pledge! Couple sued by Kansas City Art Institute.
Kansas City Star:
Monday, November 26, 2012
Should Museums Rent Art to For-Profit Exhibitors?
Boston's MFA now rents art to for-profit exhibitors. In Artopia we hope they pay taxes on this!
Story Boston Globe:
Christo Oil-Barrel Mastaba
Christo plans gigantic mastaba made of oil barrels for Abu Dhabi. Of course, he maintains the sculpture, which will be larger than the Great Pyramid, is only about "joy and beauty" and not about petroleum.
Story via>
Rosler's Garage Sale Live Feed from MoMA
Live feed from Martha Rosler's Monumental Garage Sale at MoMA Atrium to Nov 30.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Irony Trashed by Times
No Room for Debate. NYT publishes prurient attack on irony; Hyperallergic responds without irony. Which side are you on?
Storage Lesson Taught by Sandy
Lesson taught by Sandy --- store all your digital info in the cloud. Eyebeam story and video on is a wake up call. Yuk. Salt water is not good for computers, disks, tapes and any form of physical storage. story and Eyebeam video:
Brian O'Doherty Survives Patrick Ireland
Short interview with Artopia culture-hero, critic, writer, editor, artist Brian O'Doherty (Patrick Ireland 1972-2008) in Art in America.
Will The Real Brian O'Doherty Please Stand Up:
NY Times: Patrick Ireland Dies:
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Chelsea Is Almost Back to Normal
Just back from Chelsea. Never fear. Almost normal, alas. The Gagosian Museum is open with a big Ed Rucha show; Matthew Marks has an unbearable Charles Ray display (stainless steel Segals); Mary Boone has slicker-than-slick Ai Weiwei floorpiece and painting. Metro Pictures almost ready. Sonnebend sealed tight. Nov. 17, 2012.
Useless Objects
British artist Jeremy Hutchison to open December pop-up shop of "completely useless objects" which are therefore luxury items (he says). Our response: Dada bites the hand that feeds it.
More pix via>
Hutchison webpage:
Art and Religion?
When did Marina Abramovic, Kara Walker and Jeffrey Deitch speak at the Union Theological seminary and why? Art and religion together again?
Go to>
Friday, November 16, 2012
" Art by Telephone....Recalled" Opens at Harvey Foundation
Maps of reperformances of Telephone Music street work (1968) by John Perreault at five sites. Info:
Met Museum Sued for Admissions Fraud
Met Museum sued for entrance fee fraud.The mandate says it must be free. In small print, the entrance fees are deemed "suggested." Is that enough?
Via gothamist>
New Parrish Art Museum Opens
New Parrish Art Museum opens. The building is the star! Will the exhibitions live up to the building?
More pixs & video via designboom>
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Guggenheim Loses Berlin
Guggenheim dropped by Deutsche Bank; venue on Unter den Linden will now be Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle, under new management. Pakastani is first featured artist...Is this the beginning of a new global franchaise?
Via 4-traders:
Neel Nude Now Wallpaper
ARTOPIANEWS: "John Perreault" by Alice Neel (1974) in the Whitney Museum Permanent Collection now available as computer wallpaper with mouse pointer magnification window. Free. Warning! Image above is a detail; full image on wallpaper download site is a full frontal nude:
Monday, November 12, 2012
Tate's Gallery of Lost Art
Tate shows lost art works. Gallery of Lost Art. What? See examples in slide show: De Kooning, Duchamp, Bacon.....
Via huffingtonpost:
Shelley Miller's Sugar Tiles
Canadian Shelley Miller makes "ceramic" murals out of sugar.
Vis hyperallergic:
MoMA Garage Sale
MoMA finally has a garage sale! Of course it is an artwork by Martha Rosler and it is not in a garage but in the MoMA atrium....
Marriage of a Gazebo and a Swing
EXCLUSIVE: New sculpture by John Perreault. Gazebo, swings, water, sand. Mother's Beach, Bellport, L.I., N.Y
Gallerist Rows Across Fire Island
EXCLUSIVE: Long Island gallerist Thomas Schultz, rowing across Fire Island, reached the Atlantic yesterday by way of a newly reopened inlet, courtesy hurricane Sandy. Old Inlet was last open in 1820 when a whaling ship sunk there an
d closed the channel, ending the Bellport whaling industry. Like all great heroes, explorers, and adventurers, Schultz was accompanied by a photographer, who apparently followed in another boat.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Parrish Opening

The Bellport Horizontalists and friends have a good time at the opening of the gorgeous, new Parrish Art Museum in Water Mill, Long Island. Show of Malcolm Morely's work also debuted.
The new Parish Art Museum Opening (3 photos)
Part of the Bellport-Long Island-Gang at the opening of the new Parish Art Museum on Friday evening. Over 1000 people attended.
Friday, November 9, 2012
2013 Must Be Another 1965 For The Arts
Elections! Potential impact on the arts. Why can't we make 2013 another 1965?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
New Jazz Star
Unbelievable 23-year-old jazz star, singer Cecile McLorin Salvant. Via>NYTIMES. Catch up on more on YouTube McLorin Salvant videos! Times piece:
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Pat Steir and Joan Mitchell Paint Paintings
Compare and contrast "Joan Mitchell Paints a Painting" by Irving Sandler (1957) and Pat Steir "Paints a Painting"(2012), both now on Artnews online.
MoMA Flooded Art Advice
MoMA issues "Conserving Flood-Damaged Artworks" on its website.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Book Publishers Doomed
Booksters sealed their own doom. Merger of Penguin and Random House is a symptom, not a solution...And mega-book chains refusing Amazon print products will not triumph over internet competition --- but that's another story.
For story: The Guardian:
Monday, November 5, 2012
Artopia Endorses Obama
Where do the candidates stand on the arts? Artopia endorses Obama!
Via LA Times:
Sunday, November 4, 2012
The Powerless 20
Better late than never: 20 Most Powerless People in the Art World.
No More PoMo!
Critic Kim Levin says no, no, no to PoMo. But does not convince Artopia that metamodernism is a go, go, go.
How Art's Economic Value Is Created
William Powhida's summary of "What Is the Labor of Art Writing?" discussion. How economic value is created in the art market and for whom.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Chicken Little Ignored Again
Reuters story shows what could be done to protect NYC and hints at who would pay, but fails to nail down why nothing has been done so far. Why? Chicken Little ignored again!
Reuters story:
Reuters story:
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