Sunday, November 4, 2012

White Cube Closes in East End

Famed White Cube gallery in East End to close.

The Powerless 20

Better late than never: 20 Most Powerless People in the Art World.


Dance at MoMA

Deborah Hay at MoMA atrium today. So here's a short interview.

No More PoMo!

Critic Kim Levin says no, no, no to PoMo. But does not convince Artopia that metamodernism is a go, go, go.


How Art's Economic Value Is Created

William Powhida's summary of "What Is the Labor of Art Writing?" discussion. How economic value is created in the art market and for whom.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chicken Little Ignored Again

Reuters story shows what could be done to protect NYC and hints at who would pay, but fails to nail down why nothing has been done so far. Why? Chicken Little ignored again!

Reuters story:

Artists Books Destroyed!

Printed Matter dumps water-damaged artists books. 
